which is better, ece at iiit kancheepuram or production/ metallurgical at nits?plz tell me.
If you are getting Ece, then you should definitely go for it. IIIT Kanchipuram was established in 2007 and it has very well established facilities. It's faculties are very good and most of them are IIT graduates. They are very knowledgeable.
Also, IIIT Kanchipuram
Production engineering and mettalurgy engineering are also good at the NITs. But they don't have as much scope as ECE.
Depending on your interest, you can go for whichever you want but ECE would be much better choice than mettalurgy and production engineering.
Please visit this link for more details about ECE at IIIT Kanchipuram BTech ECE
Hope it helps
If you are getting these branches in top Nit then it is a very good option.
As Nits have better infrastructure and palcement and you will have chances to know new things in Nit.
Production engineering and Metallurgy are good branches if you work hard you can get a good placement.
Refer to this link it will help you
All the best.
Hope this will help you.