i got 58000 in ap emcet sv local bc- B female which colleges i got seat
Latest: SMEAT 2025 Registration Started - Apply Link | Top Design Colleges in India
SMEAT 2025: Complete Guide | Preparation Guide
We cannot tell you certainly as to which Colleges you can get with your AP EAMCET 2020 rank. But we can predict your approximate chances with the help of previous years data. And you can get a seat in:
- Mekapati Raja Rammohan Institute: CSE
- PullaReddy Engineering College: EEE
- Chintalapudi Engineering College: ECE
- KKR and KSR Institute: IT
As already mentioned, this is based on the analysis of previous years data and cut offs change every year. This list is only few Colleges but for the complete list of colleges, you can use our AP EAMCET College Predictor:
Top Design Colleges in India
Candidates can know about Top Design Colleges in India.