culinary arts or hotel management which is better
Both are great choices. Being an aspiring culinary arts student myself, culinary arts is more focused on the foods, the techniques and their theories with practical practices. Hotel management, as the name suggests, is about managing a place/ position in a restaurant. Both have great scope so it depends on your oven interest which you would like to choose.
Good luck !!
Both the courses culinary arts and hotel management are good . Selection of one between these two is depend on area of your interest. If you want to be chef then you can choose culinary arts as it deals with cooking. And if you want a more career opportunities then you should go with hotel management. Remember one thing that both the courses have scope in industry.
Hope you doubt is now clear
Thank you.
If you want to enter the hospitality sector in whichever domain you might have interest in, a proper Bachelors course (B.HM) in Hotel Management from a Repited Institute like IHM or IIHM is mandatory for excellence in your career. Culinary Arts is something you can always master and attain expertise in after BHM.
A Hotel Management degree will not only help you in getting a proper placement but will also provide you in depth training and knowledge of various hospitality domains.
For more information about Hotel Management and Hospitality Industry do follow the link below