How is the MBA program in AIMS IBS rated? / What are the reviews on AIMS IBS MBA program?
AIMS is rated as one of the top colleges that offer MBA programs. The college has been started with a motto of imparting professional education and training in various aspects of modern management. The course is for 2 years with the system of 4 semesters. The college trains the students in becoming a master in solving all kinds of business problems. The college is also accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade B-school in Bangalore. The college aims in providing students with the best opportunities so that they can develop their analytical and conceptual skills during the course of their study. The institute prepares its students as the competent, skilled and effective future managers. The college provides the perfect learning and research ambience to its budding management professionals. The college has highly qualified and experienced faculty. The college also provides industrial tours so that the students’ can gain real time experience. The students also get the opportunity of doing internships and projects with the industries. Students can also grab the opportunity of overseas study tours. Many guest speakers are invited from the industry so that the students can have good learning experience. Workshops and seminars are conducted on a regular basis and student’s are encouraged to take part in it. The students are also provided with intensive training in Soft Skills. The infrastructure of AIMS IBS is top-notch, and the study hall is extensive and air-conditioned. The library is roomy, ventilated and provides the best possible environment to study. The computer lab is quite professional with its most recent equipment to provide upgraded learning for students. Even the hostel has all the facilities for both girls and boys. Different kinds of activities and events are also conducted in the college and encourage student in taking active participation.