Are the questions for CUSAT CAT based only on the class 12 syllabus for Btech?
Dear candidate, syllabus of CUSAT CAT is based on Physics, Chemistry and Maths of both class 11th and 12th acknowledged by ICSE, CBSE and other State Boards. The exam duration is of 3 hours which has two papers. Paper 1 consists of Maths of 125 questions of 375 marks. Paper 2 consists of 75 questions of Physics and 50 questions of Chemistry in which Physics is of 225 marks and Chemistry is of 150 marks. 3 marks are provided for correct answer and 1 mark is deducted for wrong answer.
Hope, it helps.
CUSAT CAT Previous Year Papers
Candidates can download CUSAT CAT Previous Year Papers from here for better preparation.