17july ko neet ka exam ha ma janti hu mera clear ni hoga bt parents ko pure umeed ha k hojaega bcoz 3rd drop tha is bar ma kase face krugi parents ko result k bad.or mere 3 sal brbad hogye 4th drop lekr apna honest attempt dena chahti hu pr himt ni hopare is situation se ldne ki andr se tuut ri hu.
Stop overthinking and try to get things positive, if you will go for attempting the exam with a negative mindset it will surely affect your results badly so regain all the energy and positivity and attempt the NEET examination with all your energy and confidence.
Don't think of people who will say whatever, think about yourself and attempt the exam with a positive mindset, You can achieve everything.
It's hard to deal with such situation of examination as well as peer pressure but you have to prove yourself and it can't be done if you are having a negative thinking, don't think of results, think of the work you have done and just go confidently for it.
You can follow some tips for NEET entrance examination:
Revise all the topics thoroughly
Follow the NCERT books strictly
Attempt more and more questions to boost up your confidence level
Attempt 2-3 mock test and previous year papers daily.
Stay away from any distractions
Watch motivational videos and toppers interviews in free time
I wish you all the very best. Thank you
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