1.What are all SSC exam types?? 2.Process 3.Syllabus 4.Eligibility 5.Fees 6.Job Opportunities
see ssc exam held generally for different area of qualification, like ssc mts , ssc junior engineer, ssc cgl for graduate level post etc. exams held in 2 or 3 stages based on the recruitment process and criteria, there is mcq test, written test and skill based assessment test. exam fees is 100, but for sc/st/ woman / pwd candidates fees is nil. eligibility criteria depends on in which post or recruitment by ssc you want to apply. since different centralized organizations recruitment is done by ssc job opportunity is great. do tell me your highest qualifications, then We may help you with necessary details.
SSC CHSL - SSC Conducts Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL)for the recruitment of Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant, etc.
ssc stenographar posts
ssc gd or constable,
ssc mts ( multitasking staff)