acid rain describe its effects about 150 words
Answer (1)
Here I'll give you the basic points on effects of acid rain. You can elaborate them in 150 words in your own words.
The effects of acid rain are that, they prove harmful for forests and plants. If acid rain seeps into ground, which always happens, it dissolves essential minerals like calcium, magnesium etc., Aluminum release is triggered by acid rain which plants are unable to take up and also they become unable to take up water as a consequence.
Acid rain corrodes metals and materials made of valuable metals and other substances. It corrodes and damages monuments too, a famous example is Taj Mahal corrosion. Important infrastructure Also gets weak and destroyed by them such as bridges, etc.,
Also, acid rain kills phytoplanktons and zooplanktons. This in turn enters food cycle when they are consumed by fishes, which are in turn consumed by birds and so on. This effects the health of animals too.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Here I'll give you the basic points on effects of acid rain. You can elaborate them in 150 words in your own words.
The effects of acid rain are that, they prove harmful for forests and plants. If acid rain seeps into ground, which always happens, it dissolves essential minerals like calcium, magnesium etc., Aluminum release is triggered by acid rain which plants are unable to take up and also they become unable to take up water as a consequence.
Acid rain corrodes metals and materials made of valuable metals and other substances. It corrodes and damages monuments too, a famous example is Taj Mahal corrosion. Important infrastructure Also gets weak and destroyed by them such as bridges, etc.,
Also, acid rain kills phytoplanktons and zooplanktons. This in turn enters food cycle when they are consumed by fishes, which are in turn consumed by birds and so on. This effects the health of animals too.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
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