B. Tech appearing student's can fill this application form or not?
IIIT Hyderabad offers four M.Tech courses through IIITH PGEE .
Eligibility Criteria of IIITH PGEE 2018:-
The candidates should have completed their B.E./B.Tech in Engineering (any branch including CS/IT/ECE/EEE/Civil/Instrumentation/Biotechnology) or B.Arch OR
Master’s degree in Science/Maths/IT/Computer Science OR
Candidates who have qualified MCA programmes.
Final year students who will be completing their degree by July 2018 will also be eligible for IIITH PGEE 2018.
All the very best and good luck.

Dear Muskan,
Final year students who will be completing their degree by July 2018 will be eligible for IIITH PGEE 2018.
To know in detail you can refer below link
Good Luck!!