BBA in Aviation or BBA in marketing which is better in pl placement..??
Dear aspirant,
Both BBA Aviation and BBA Marketing has their own values and choosing what to pursue depends on your interests.
If you are keen to work in airlines field go for BBA AVIATION and
If you are interested in Marketing sector choose BBA MARKETING
and as per your query, you can get placed in top MNCs or Airlines only after your MBA and you can expect good package if you have required
skills and experience .
To know more about BBA aviation check the following page
"Aviation Management Courses, Subjects, Colleges, Syllabus, Scope, Fees, Eligibility"
To know more about BBA Marketing check this page,
"Marketing Management Courses, Subjects, Colleges, Syllabus, Scope, Fees, Eligibility, Exams"
Hope this helps.