Can I apply for NDA 1 2022 exam, if I am going to give my 11th class' final exam after two months( in this year 2022)?
Hey candidate ,
So sorry to say that you cannot give NDA 1 2022 exam if you are doing 11th class. You can give NDA exam after you have passed your class 12. So, prepare for your boards then focus on the NDA exam.
Kindly refer this link for more details :
I hope it helps you.
Revert back if any query.
Thank you !!
You need qualification of 10+2 to be eligible for NDA. So, you can register of NDA either after passing 12th or in the year of appearing for 12th board examination as 12th appearing students are also provisionally eligible.
You will be entering your 12th in 2022 after passing 11th , means you will ne appearing for 12th board examinations in 2023 i. e 12th board 2023.
Thus, you will become eligible for NDA 2023 and you are not eligible for nda 2022
For your reference,
>>>>>>> Eligibility criteria is given below
NDA eligibility criteria says that:-
-------------) Qualification required :-
For army :- you need educational qualification of 10 + 2 in any stream .
For navy and Airforce :- You need qualifucation of 10 + 2 with Physics and Maths .
12th appearing students are provisionally eligible.
-------------) You must be in the age group of 16.5 to 19.5 years old to be eligible.
-------------) Earlier for nda only boys were eligible but now, girls are also eligible for Army in nda . For details on this refer:-
-------------) You must be unmarried.
-------------) Nationality
You should be citizen of India Or should be citizen of -----) Nepal -----) Bhutan |
-----) or you need to be a Tibetan refugee, who came before 1st January 1962 to permanently settle here in India |
or you should be Indian origin person migrated to permanently settle in India from : ------) Burma -----)Pakistan -----)Sri Lanka -----)Uganda -----) Kenya -----) Tanzania -----)Malawi -----)Zambia -----)Zaire -----)Ethiopia -----)Vietnam. |
For details you can visit our page, the link for the same is provided below
>>>>> Selection process
The selection process consist of 2 stages :-
******** Qualify the written examination :- it consist of 2 papers :-
General Ability Test
You get 2 hours and 30 minutes for each paper.
********SSB interview :- If you clear written examination then you will called for a 5 day SSB interview
If you clear SSB interview then you will have you to go through medicals to check your fitness if you clear the medicals as well then congratulations you are in.
Thank you