Can I complete my 11th PCM syllabus in just 1 month by online carsh course because my exam is in next month ?
First I want to tell you that if your will power is that much strong and you are that much dedicated towards your study then there is a hope to complete the 11th PCM syllabus
How to make a plan first.
Step 1-: 1st of all you have to know how much subject is there in each subject.
Step 2-: make a mark or note down the subjects that are easy for you and you don't need to study them thoroughly and just need to practice once.
Step 3-: again note down the subject that needs to study and practice.
Step 4-: now divide your time in each of them,
e.g. from 24 hours, let your sleep, daily basis work needs 10 hours. Then left the amount of time is 14 hours, which you can divide for your study time for each subject. Let you practice math for 3 hours, for physics, you will give 3 hours and for chemistry, you will give 3 hours and the rest time you can use for another study.
Step 5-: now its time to utilize the time as you have decided.
Plan according to subjects:
1. For physics-:
As I can see, there is a total of 15 chapters. That means if you have 30 days to complete the 2 days for each subject. You can utilize the 1st day to study and the 2nd to practice. Or else you can study and practice in 1 day also. This will lead to the conclusion that there were more 15 days in your hand which can be used to do a mass practice.
2. For chemistry-:
In chemistry, there are 14 subjects which can be completed in 14 days as the previous plan that is used in physics. And the rest of the day can be used to mass practice.
3. For mathematics-:
In math, there are only 6 chapters and for 6 chapters 30 days and along with this, 3 hours per day plan for math is enough time to complete the syllabus.
Now see I have given you some probable plans to complete your target. If you need any help regarding this or anything else then feel free to ask.
Thank you and best of luck.