Can I get MBM Jodhpur in 95 percentile in Mains ?
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Answer (1)
Your approximate rank can be calculated using the formula : (100-your percentile score)*869010/100, where 8690 10 is a number of candidates appeared for the January session of JEE mains exam, so with this formula your approximate common rank at 95 percentile would be: 43,450 so with this rank you don't have good chances in the top branches like CSE, IT but still you can consider your chances in other branch generally according to the past year record cutoff vary from 30,000- 35,000 (rank) but if fluctuations occur then there might be chances but still you can consider it degraded because still your approximate rank is much higher than cutoff idea, so for now I would suggest you to search for other options,
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Best of luck.
Your approximate rank can be calculated using the formula : (100-your percentile score)*869010/100, where 8690 10 is a number of candidates appeared for the January session of JEE mains exam, so with this formula your approximate common rank at 95 percentile would be: 43,450 so with this rank you don't have good chances in the top branches like CSE, IT but still you can consider your chances in other branch generally according to the past year record cutoff vary from 30,000- 35,000 (rank) but if fluctuations occur then there might be chances but still you can consider it degraded because still your approximate rank is much higher than cutoff idea, so for now I would suggest you to search for other options,
You can predict more colleges using our college predictor tool from the below link:
Best of luck.
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