Can I study in Anna University for UG course if I am from Maharashtra?
Yes, you can apply but there is separate admission procedure for student. You can find opening in newspaper or check Anna University website you can find admission notices in March/April for year. In officially website the admission form available, you can apply through it. Or you have to visit anna university and buy admission form (For non-Tamilnadu State Student) and fill it.
Other State students counselling happening immediately after TN student counselling complete. The admission is only for university department(GET, AC Tech, MIT, SAP). The seat are limited and they expected high cutoff.
There is no need of counselling for affiliated colleges, students can get admission through management quote itself.
All the best!

Here is a link which can help you opt for your course-
Anna University- Distance Education
Hello Dear..
Thanks for contacting Careers360..
If you are not form Tamil Nadu then you actually can’t apply for Anna university and other universities allilated by Anna with your marks.
You can opt for a management quota wher you may have to pay according to the program and the collage you choose in Tamil Nadu.
All the best:)