cat or GMAT are same or different
Hello student.
Hope you are doing well.
See CAT stands for common admission test . It is a national exam which is held all over the India. It is the largest exam for MBA.
Whereas GMAT stands for The graduate management admission test. It is a global exam which is held across the nations for MBA.
It is easier to score in GMAT in comparison to CAT. If a person studies with full focus and concentration he can easily achieve 700+ marks.
To know more difference about both the exams and to know about them in detail please use this link:
Hope this will help you. Have a great future ahead.
Good luck!!
CAT - Common Admission Test is a entrance exam for admission to postgraduate management courses in India . see the link for more details:
GMAT- Graduate Management Admission Test is the entrance exam for prospective MBA and PGDM students who wish to study abroad .Visit the link for more details:
Thank you
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