comedk last date for slot booking
Hello Abhi ,
As per latest Notification for COMEDK -
- Last date to apply for COMEDK Engineering Exam was 5:00 PM of 17th June 2020.
- Edit Facility will be available from 12 Noon of 22nd June to 12 Noon of 25th June 2020.
For more updates and information visit -
Hope It Helps
All the Best !!!
senior academicians and reputed administrative officers who have been associated in educational eco system. This autonomous
COMEDK was entrusted the responsibility to organize testing procedures to determine the merit of aspiring students in an effective,
fair, transparent and non-exploitative procedure by KPCF (Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation Medical & Dental) and KUPECA
(Karnataka Unaided Private Engineering Colleges Association).
Last dateto apply for COMEDKEngineeringExamwas 5:00 PM of 17th June 2020.
Edit Facility will be available from 12 Noon of 22nd June to 12 Noon of 25th June 2020.
For other details refer to this link
COMEDK UGET Sample Papers
Candidates can download COMEDK UGET Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.