comment on the nature of literature under the pallavas
Answer (1)
The literature during Pallavas was both religious and secular. The Pallavas were patrons of Sanskrit and Tamil languages.
Kanchi ,the capital of Pallavas was renowned learning centre of Sanskrit language. The monarch Mahendravarman I wrote "Maththavilasa Prakasanam" and "Bagavatha Ajikkiyam" in Sanskrit. Dhandin a Sanskrit scholar during Pallava period wrote "Kavyadharsha".
The Tamil literature also developed during Pallava period.Nayanmars and Alwars had composed their hymns in Tamil contributing the growth to Tamil literature during the Pallava period .Perundevanar,a Tamil scholar wrote" Bharathavenba " during this period. Kalladanar composed a grammar hook called "Kalladam".
Thus, the Pallava rule witnessed the growth of both Sanskrit and Tamil literature.
The literature during Pallavas was both religious and secular. The Pallavas were patrons of Sanskrit and Tamil languages.
Kanchi ,the capital of Pallavas was renowned learning centre of Sanskrit language. The monarch Mahendravarman I wrote "Maththavilasa Prakasanam" and "Bagavatha Ajikkiyam" in Sanskrit. Dhandin a Sanskrit scholar during Pallava period wrote "Kavyadharsha".
The Tamil literature also developed during Pallava period.Nayanmars and Alwars had composed their hymns in Tamil contributing the growth to Tamil literature during the Pallava period .Perundevanar,a Tamil scholar wrote" Bharathavenba " during this period. Kalladanar composed a grammar hook called "Kalladam".
Thus, the Pallava rule witnessed the growth of both Sanskrit and Tamil literature.
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