Comparatively cs engineering and mechatronics engineering which is best..?
Hello Sakthi
You have a very Genuine Doubt
In india there are less number of universities or colleges which offer Engineering in Mechatronics
because its not an easy subject bcz Its the mixture of some feilds of Mechanical and Electronics .
But according to me you can go for Mechatronics bcz as you know the numbers of CS engineers are increasing day by day and there is not much Good packages for them but in Mechatronics Engineering you can gain some chances for foreign companies which give you preaty much higher package
Mechatronics Engineering is an practical based engineering subject in which you will learn how to code and then how to implement that code in Integrated systems In mechantronics you will learn about Microprocessors , Chips , Integrated Systems,Internet Of things ,Ardino board And Raspberry Pie.
While in Computer Science Engineering you have to just do codding and thats all.You will have to learn plenty of Programming Languages and will work on them.
So you Should go for Mechatronics Engineering
I hope You liked my answer
Thank you and GOOD LUCK !!
I hope this is enough.
Good luck