Date of decleration of result PG CET
PU-CET PG 2019 result will be declared between June 29, and July 01, 2019 on the official website of Panjab University. After announcement of results, the candidates qualifying for the exam can obtain admission forms to be available from the first week of July 2019 only. They need to fill and submit the admission form for final admissions.
The PG CET karnataka examination results held in 2019, will be announced on the Karnataka Examination Authority website around the 2nd week of August, i.e either on the 9th or 10th of August.
Hope this cleared your doubt. All the best.
As per your question i do understand the situation.
PG CET is set to announce their results on the third week of August.
You can check the results through online mode on the official website.
I hope this answers your query.
All the best.