Question : Directions: A sentence or a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are alternatives to the bold part that may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, choose "No Improvement".
While addressing the assembly, the officer said, "It was a tit-for-tat action involving selected targeting, such actions do not last very long."
- selection targeting
- selection targeted
- selective targeting
- No Improvement
Option 1: 1
Option 2: 2
Option 3: 3
Option 4: 4
Correct Answer: 3
Solution : The correct choice is the third option.
Explanation : When we use a noun like "targeting", it's common to use an adjective to modify and provide more specific information about the type or nature of the targeting. In this context, "selective" is the appropriate adjective, indicating a deliberate and careful choice of targets.
Therefore, the correct sentence would be: While addressing the assembly, the officer said, "It was a tit-for-tat action involving selective targeting; such actions do not last very long."
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