Question : Directions: Five friends Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Rho, and Theta are arranged in a row facing north but not necessarily in the same order. Beta sits at the left end of the row. Only two people are sitting between Alpha and Gamma. Alpha sits immediately next to the Beta and Rho sits second to the right of Beta. Who sits between Rho and Gamma?
Option 1: Alpha
Option 2: Theta
Option 3: Beta
Option 4: No one
Correct Answer: Theta
Solution :
1. Beta sits at the left end of the row.
2. Alpha sits immediately next to the Beta.
3. Rho sits second to the right of Beta.
4. Only two people are sitting between Alpha and Gamma.
From the above-given information, the following seating arrangement can be drawn –
All of them are sitting in a row facing North.
Here, (L) means left, (R) means right, and N means north-facing.
So, according to the final seating arrangement, Theta sits between Rho and Gamma. Hence, the second option is correct.