Question : Directions: Five girls Anjali, Beena, Chintu, Diksha, and Saruti are of different ages. Anjali is younger than only Diksha and Shruti. Shruti is younger than Diksha. Chintu is the youngest. Who is the fourth oldest?
Option 1: Beena
Option 2: Chintu
Option 3: Diksha
Option 4: Shruti
Correct Answer: Beena
Solution :
1. Anjali is younger than only Diksha and Shruti.
Anjali < Diksha, Shruti
2. Shuti is younger than Diksha.
Anjali < Shruti < Diksha
3. Chintu is youngest.
Chintu < Beena < Anjali < Shruti < Diksha
So, Beena is the fourth oldest. Hence, the first option is correct.