Question : Directions: Select the option that is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word.
(The words must be considered meaningful English words and must not be related to each other based on the number of letters/number of consonants/vowels in the word.)
Cow : Milk :: Sheep : ?
Option 1: Wool
Option 2: Baby
Option 3: Silk
Option 4: Clothes
Correct Answer: Wool
Solution :
Cow : Milk :: Sheep : ?
The second term is the things that we get from the first term –
Like in Cow : Milk→Cow provides us with milk.
Similarly, follow the same pattern for Sheep : ?→Sheep provides us with wool.
Therefore, the word given in the first option is related to the sheep. Hence, the first option is correct.
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