does apollo institute of medical sciences and research hyderabad has transpoet facility bus....?
The Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (AIMSR) is situated in the heart of Hyderabad, an international hub of health care professionals, Education and Research, founded in 2012 by AHERF.
The MBBS course is of four and a half year time period followed by a residential internship.
The hospital has transport facilities for lifting pateint.
Thank you.
Hope you are doing good!
Dear student I suggest you please go to official website of the Apollo institute of medical sciences and research, Hyderabad than you can see the contact number you can ask them. otherwise you should email them about your the bus facility.
For more details you can go to the link Below:
All the best!
Hope it will help!
Thank you!
Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (AIMSR), Hyderabad is a private institute spread over 10 Acres of land. The colleg has 113 faculty working. The college offers various courses like MBBS , MD, M.S. ,etc. The college provides facilities like cafeteria, gym. Hostel, libraries but doesn't provide transport facility .
Hope this will help you.