does gnit ibrahimpatnam had fests
Hello there,
Gurunanak Institute Of Technology, Ibrahimpatnam is one of the best colleges in Hyderabad.
It has an overall rating of 4.0 reflecting different parameters like College Infrastructure, Hostel Facilities, Academics, Placements, Faculty and Miscelleneous.
It is one of the best Colleges providing quality education and lavish campus including furnished rooms, Wi-Fi, Sports grounds, Sports rooms, Canteen etc...,.
It conducts several technical and non technical events encouraging students to expose their talents.
Some of the fests are listed below....
- Under 25 Summit - It is an ususal event conducted by many colleges.
- GNI IGNITE (Technical Event)
- Street Cause events
- Dandiya Nights, traditional days, Sports events
And many more....
There are many events focusing on student's talents and many technical events to absorb the essence of Engineering.
Check out the below link to know more about GNIT,
Thank You!