Does their is any site or app for preparation for bitsat exam?? And from where to download bitsat study material?
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Hii Yash Pratap Singh..
Moreover, if you consider books only for JEE, you will never be able to study for logical reasoning and english which consists of 75 marks out of 450.
But yeah, here are a few books/study material that you can consider for your BITSAT prep:
· The core of every engineering entrance exam: NCERT (Std. XI and XII) Physics, Chemistry and Math.
· A Complete Success Package for Online BITSAT by Arihant Experts (There is a CD to help you out too)
· BITSAT Explorer by MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd.
· The Pearson Complete Guide to the BITSAT (Use this for Verbal and Non Verbal Logical Reasoning)
· Wren & Martin for English (Use this for the English Proficiency section)
If you don't want to buy try to download those books online. I would suggest you a physical book.
If I am to tell you my personal preference, I would say that apart from the NCERT, I used HCV and RD Sharma for theory. For BITSAT practice I used to solve loads and loads of previous paper and mock tests in the last month before my BITSAT exam. I used to solve at least one mock test on mypat every day. Since these tests have a clock ticking, it helped me improved my speed which is very important for BITSAT exam.
The mock tests also help you practice sufficiently for english and LR. If you are looking for a good reliable test series for online practise, try mypat. Questions are good and analytics in results are even better. You can take online Bitsat tests on Embibe. There are 6 full tests and 3 previous year tests. You can even try toppr. Try to solve as many as possible.
Hope this helps you. All the best.
BITSAT 5 Year's Question Papers with Solutions
Candidates can download BITSAT 5 year's question papers to boost their preparation.