For INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY MUMBAI( food technology) how much mark should I score in MHT CET?
This is India's best institue for chemical engineering. Last year it was ranked 10th among all engineering institute in India.You can take admssion in this college through JEE MAIN paper-1 and CET score or rank.
I am going to inform you about the last round cut off of last year btech in food technology.
IN jee mains you need to score 140 or more.But keep in mind that last year JEE was quite difficult.So according to that point of view you need at least 180 marks or more in this year in jee mains paper1.
Now come to CET :
General(open) - 153
General(SC) - 100
General(OBC) - 146 (Round -1)
General(Tuition fee waiver) -158
General(Person with disability) -91
Ladies(Open) - 158 (Round 1)
Ladies(SC) -101
Ladies(ST) -53
Ladies(Fee waiver) - 158
Ladies(PWD) -91
Try to score at least 10 marks more from your category marks if the paper isnot very difficult.
the minimum amount of marks scored as per previous year's cutoff for food technology is around 153. Therefore I would suggest you to score at least 160 marks for a guaranteed seat. To know more about the cutoff ranks and marks, you may refer to the given link.