Question : Four sentences are given, out of which three have spelling errors. Choose the sentence with all correctly spelt words.
Option 1: He made the most delicious pumkin pie.
Option 2: The paralel lives of two contemporaries.
Option 3: She took a pair of sissors and cut his hair.
Option 4: I need a strong adhesive.
Correct Answer: I need a strong adhesive.
Solution : The correct choice is the fourth option.
In the first option: Incorrect - pumkin, correct - pumpkin
In the second option: Incorrect - paralel, correct - parallel
In the third option: Incorrect - sissors, correct - scissors
I need a strong adhesive is a sentence that contains all the correctly spelt words. It conveys that the speaker needs something that is quick and strong and can stick. The other sentence contains missing letters in some of their words.