Gl bajaj group of institution, Mathura .B tech in cs sahi collage hai or yaha padhai or placement achi hoti hai ?
GL Bajaj Mathura provide decent placement's and also have a good academic reputation in AKTU.
Faculty gives a better internal marks.Its very important for a good aggregate score in your degree.
Management here is far good as compared to other colleges.
Only disadvantage is it's a quite bit strict with their rules and regulations.
Visit this link for more details

Reviewing the college would require me to see to the things in different perspectives.
Talking in perspective of a student, glbitm has been a tough college for the first two years for me. The study methods were good and teachers were well educated. Very hard work was required to put down by me to comply with the teaching curriculum and to score a respectful result thereby.
But last year has been different. I saw good teachers leaving college and thus the quality of teaching degrading. The above explaination was only for cs branch. No other faculty of departments have changed so drastically as of cs deptt has changed.
But in the last several days i onserved that, the faculty is again improving and the seriousness has again emerged on the teachers face their carrers and ours too.
Consequently i want to tell you that according to academics glbitm is one of the best in greater noida. Though it has ups or downs, but which institution does not. The main factor is the spirit that glbitm has to succed in everything that comes in its way and this spirit will result good in greater future.
Talking in perspective of placements, you have been knowing that glbitm is best in greater noida especially for cs, ec and it branch. It also has not so good but best placements for other branches like me, civil and eee in greater noida.
Thats all, my recommendation if you want ro stay in greater noida, go for glbitm.
G.L Bajaj is a good College. I give 4 star out of 5. First year faculty is good but while 2nd year and 3rd year faculty is not good as you go ahead faculty will become worthless. In this college there are lots of events are held in each semester like sports fest ,coding competition,debate,dancing and singing competition. There are various extra things you can learn in this College.
For Mechanical branch students this College is also good they are working on very good projects like making go-cart.
There are many promotional events are also happening like promoting racing events . As this is universal that there are some bad things and good things in every College.
But in this College placement is very good
If you are stay in hostel then you can play snooker ,table tennis and many games.
They also provide WiFi to the student.
For final year students they provide good training for placements.
There are various different labs in college in which you can work on I already explained in my quora questions that how many labs are there and in which field they are working .