Gpat practice papers for exam preparation
Hello. I am attaching a link provided by careers360. This link tells you about gpat, its question type basically paper pattern, and provide question papers to practice. Please look into it carefully, and practice them sincerely. This will helps you score very good marks.
Hope that helps!
Hello dear student,
Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) is the gateway for admission to various Masters in Pharmacy (M. Pharm) programmes. National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the result of GPAT 2020 in the form of scorecard for individual candidates on February 4. The merit list of GPAT 2020 has been released in PDF format. The links to download GPAT results has been made available on this page. Candidates who took the test on January 28, 2020, can download their GPAT results using application number, date of birth and security pin. GPAT final answer keys has alos been released by NTA on February 4. As many as 50,975 graduates took the computer based test. Earlier NTA had released GPAT 2020 question papers and candidate response sheet on January 29. Candidates who will secure the minimum qualifying marks as specified by the authority to qualify GPAT entrance exam.
here I am mentioning a link which you can visit and you will find all the sample papers previous year question papers for this particular exam in I hope that will be helpful for you
Thank you