Neet is the most important exam for medical aspirants and Organic Chemistry is one of the scoring topics. You must stick to NCERTs for basic preparation. NCERT textbooks of class 11 and 12 are really helpful for concept clarification. MS Chauhan is another best book to prepare Organic Chemistry. It has a number of questions and MCQs which you must solve to get good score in Neet. More than the book what is more important to understand the mechanisms,and then by rewriting the reactions you can get a grip over them. You can also make charts containing Reactors, Reagents and Products which can solve your problem. After finishing one chapter, go through the exercises attached with it and solve it by your own. Focus more on MCQs. You can read our article
To fetch good marks in Organic chemistry, you have to study Organic Chemistry regularly. Give mock tests especially on the organic part.