hello sir. i got 3077 rank in AMRITA ENTERANCE EXAM (AEEE) can i get CSE in Chennai or amrithapuri campuses . And in which slab i get the seat .
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hello aspirant
With your profile, since you belong to the Andhra pradesh region, then you will have the state quota benefit for the Amrithapuri Campus in Amrita university. So with the above mentioned rank in AEEE, you have good chances of getting CSE, ECE, EEE, and Mechanical Engineering in State Quota in Amrithapuri campus of Amrita.
Further, if you want to go for Coimbatore campus, then in Open Quota, you have chances of getting Aerospace Engineering, Civil, Chemical, EEE only. Since for CSE and other branches, the cutoff is very high.
Please note that the above mentioned last rank is based on the previous year AEEE cutoff and the actual rank may vary.
Further, to know more about the AEEE Cutoff for previous year, you can follow the below mentioned link to know more : https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/aeee-cutoff
I hope that this will help
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