hello sir,i have finished my payment for ap-pgecet but didnt fill the appli form where im lacking in income and caste certificates(need to apply now)and the last date is 19 aug.shld i fill the form before19 or will i have any chance to fill even after the last date is over or not.please ans sir pls
Latest: AP PGECET sample/question papers
Hi Aspirant!
I would suggest you to fill up the application form before 19th August 2021. No doubt, you will be able to fill the application form till 05-09-2021 but with late fee fine.
If you fill the form between 20th August to 28th August 2021, you will be charged with late fee fine of Rs. 500. If you fill the form between 27th August to 31st August, you will be charged with Rs. 2000 as late fee fine. And if fill it later by 5th September, you will be paying Rs. 5000 as late fee.
To know more, visit here:
AP PGECET - 2021 (https://sche.ap.gov.in/pgecet/UI/ImportantDates.aspx)
AP PGECET Sample/Question Papers
Candidates can download AP PGECET Sample/Question Papers from here.