hello sr nd mam i want to know about automobile in b.tech which college is gud for it and which branch is gud in future means in job case..?
Answer (1)
In some colleges automobile is different branch, but in maximum college automobile is subpart of mechanical branch. Under mechanical engineering only you'll be taught about automobile. As far as I know DTU has automobile engineering branch that is good. Talking of scope automobile sector and other related sector like energy are good for automobile engineers.
If you are flexible with you branch choice go for CSE as it's market value, job availability etc is currently high as compared to other branches.
If you are flexible with you branch choice go for CSE as it's market value, job availability etc is currently high as compared to other branches.
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Comments (3)
wht about collg means which colg is best in private colg like LPU for b.tech in cse
am confused about my future wht i cn do i didn't understand wathr i go for b.tech ya not it's vry complicated to dicide i lv to study engineering but in future it will gud ya not i am not sour....
If you really love to study engineering go for it. Decide which branch you really fanatise about. Choose that branch as per your rank in appropriate college. Try for top notch colleges. Hope that helps.
All the best.
All the best.