Hi I am a average student and in 2nd pu I took science (Cs) what can I do next
Answer (1)
Hi Vaishnavi,
So you want to pursue engineering or medical like the rest of India? Or are you interested in any specific topic like math or history or english etc. Being average doesn't matter as long as you like or have a passion for any subject. Introspect and decide. Because now you can do anything and still earn a living. Hope you make a good choice. If you need any other help revert back, I'll help you out.
Good luck
So you want to pursue engineering or medical like the rest of India? Or are you interested in any specific topic like math or history or english etc. Being average doesn't matter as long as you like or have a passion for any subject. Introspect and decide. Because now you can do anything and still earn a living. Hope you make a good choice. If you need any other help revert back, I'll help you out.
Good luck
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