how accurate is career360 college predictor for kcet ?
Career360 college prediction is widely used by students across India which means it is more near to accuracy than any other. However, some errors are there in this tool and team is working on it. Moreover, every university have different aspects of admission and changes every year. So I would say career360 app is great to get the right college and you can trust on it
As nothing is perfect in this world, there are errors in everything. Careers360 is not an exception. Careers360 college predictor tool is used very widely by students to know their expected college on the basis of ranks and percentile. This tool uses previous years exam cutoffs and give at an exact prediction. Through Careers360 college predictor, colleges for kcet can also be predicted. It is very reliable and accurate. But the cutoff changes every year so, you can use this tool to predict college on previous cut offs.
KCET Sample Papers
Students looking for KCET preparation, can download free question paper from here.