How Can i become a ca
Dear Sahil,
C. A. Course comprises of 4 Important Levels
1) Common Proficiency Test (CPT
2) Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC)/IPC
3) Three years Articleship/ Training under a Practicing C.
4) C. A. Final
Take CPT examination after you appear in the 12th exam and after completion of period of 60 days from the date of registration for CPT.
IPCC - Integrated Professional Competence Course would be the next stage after p[assing the CPT and 12th Level. Passing the CPT and 12th exam is mandatory without wich one would not able to register for IPCC. Generally, the registration for the IPCC must be done well in advance that is before 9 months of the IPCC exam.
PCC level contains total 7 papers (Group 1+ Group 2).
Group - 1 - four papers
Group - 2 - is composed of three papers.
Passing the Group - I, is necessary for commencing an Articleship.
Candidates need to complete 100 hours Information Technology Training (ITT). Before registering for Articleship, Orientation and ITT should be completed. The Orientation Course of one week which is a 35 hours of length and covers topics, such as, communication skills, personality development, business environment, office procedure, general knowledge of commercial aspects, etc.
Register for IPCC and pass the Group I Exam:
Candidates can appear and pass the Group - 1 or Both Groups of IPCE - Integrated Professional Competence Examination.
Appear for and pass the Group II Exam:
After passing the Group 1, candidates can appear for Group 2 in next attempt after Group 1 attempt or during Articleship.
Registration for the Articleship:
Articleship is important and is a part of the overall process. Candidates need to register as Articled Assistant for a period of 3 years with a practicing CA after passing either Group - 1 or both the Groups of IPCE.
Registeration for the C.A Final Course:
Here is what we can term it the final stage of this time driven process. This is a Final CA exam and you need to register for C.A Final Course after passing both the groups of IPCC.
Pass the CA Final Exam:During the last 6 months of 3 years of articled training you have to register and pass the CA Final. Candidates are supposed to pass the group 1 and 2 of the CA Final to complete the process successfully.
Good Luck!!