How can i crack jam chemistry without materials,is it possible with study in online to got jam admission?
You just need to follow these preparation tips:
- For chemistry, NCERT books are enough.
- Before starting, you must check the complete syllabus and exam pattern.
- Refer best books and study materials for your preparation.
- Solve previous years IIT JAM Question Papers. This will give you an idea about the pattern and difficulty level of the questions.
- Also take online mock tests regularly. This will help you analyze your level of preparation and also increase your speed and accuracy.
- You can go for study material provided by Eduncle which is one of the best study material for IIT JAM in the country.
- Make notes of all the important stuff. This will help you in your last minute preparation. Go through the following link -
- Improve your weaker areas. Give more time to the topics in which you are weak.
- Study at least 6–7 hours daily.
- Give your last 30–45 mins to the revision daily.
- Your mind will be most active in the morning. Complete difficult topics or subjects in the morning.
- Social Networking sites & TV are the Thorns in your preparation. Avoid them. It will kill your precious time as well as your brain.
All the best!

Yes absolutely you can appear for the JAM exam by preparing through online also.But the thing is you need to be more strong on your basics first of all. Rather than preparing by using study materials you can watch nptel videos related to your JAM chemistry. According to me it is the best way of gaining knowledge.please do watch lot of videos related to your JAM chemistry and try to solve as many problems as you can on your own. The ultimate thing is you should be confident enough with the concepts.
Preparing through study materials or through online does not matter at all.Set a legitimate time table for your exam and refer the previous year question papers,so that you will get a brief idea.
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