How can I prepare for UGC NET?
As we all know that the difficulty level of UGC NET is very high. To get sure shot success in this exam, you must be highly passionate and dedicated towards your studies.
- First of all, collect the basic information regarding the subject like its eligibility criteria, exam pattern, syllabus, best books etc.
- Get aware with all the latest notifications related to the exam to know about the exam activities. Recently, NTA has started the UGC NET 2019 Application Form , you can apply till 30 th March 2019.
- Analyze the complete UGC NET Syllabus and make a preparation strategy.
- Start the preparation with Paper-1 syllabus because it is simpler than the Paper – 2. You must finish it as soon as you can.
- Make short notes for last time revision.
- Manage time properly. Give time to the topics according to their importance level.
- Solve previous years question papers and practice online mock test papers.
- Be positive, be hopeful and be confident.
Hello Ankur. Before moving on to the preparation part I want to give some brief information about the UGC NET. National Eligibility Test is conducted by the National Educational Testing Bureau of University Grants Commission. This paper is conducted to test the ability of candidate for Junior Research Fellowship and Lecturer. Maximum age criteria is 30 year , although you can apply for lecturer.
In UGC NET there are different subjects which are:-
- General Paper -1
- English
- Commerce
- Management
- Computer science
- Education
- Economics
- Political science
- Library science
- Law
Now come to the preparation part you need to focus on following points:-
- Know your syllabus and prepare the topics to be prepared and also prepare the plan for studies.
- While studying prepare the short notes which will help you out during the exams.
- Revise what you have learned thoroughly.
- Stay updated about the news and current affairs.
- Focus on the quality of studies not the quantity. Don't be a bookworm try to remember the important things ,don't mug it up all the things.
- Solve the past years papers and mock test papers.