how can we prepare COMEDK exam
Good Morning
Hope you are doing good, here, I am sharing some preparation tips for COMEDK Exam and you should follow it surely it will be beneficial for you till the end
- Note Down the Syllabus- Note down the complete syllabus before start preparing. IT will help you to manage the preparation for the reexamination. The syllabus shall contain all the topics that will be covered in the examination.
- Make Notes- Note making is important to prepare for the examination. Make notes of the formulas, difficult topics from each subject and try to read or practice them daily. THis will help you to learn the difficult topics from the syllabus.
- Solve previous year question papers- Practice Mock Tests available on COMEDK official website and solve previous year question paper. This will help you to know more about the nature of exam, questions and difficulty level of the examination. Candidates must solve the previous year question papers to build up speed and accuracy according to the time allotted to complete the examination.
- Study General concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Clear your basic concepts. Refer to CBSE books. Solve Numerical and deviations problems for physics and Mathematics.It is essential to go through your textbooks and mark the important points in theory, important formulas and their basic applications. Refer to your 12th class and existing syllabus.
- I mportant topic’s notes – At last make notes of the important topics from each subject, however, every topic is important from the examination point of view. Although making a list of formulas of the topics that are don’t easily remembered by you will help you for the last-minute revision.
- Practicing weaker subject- Give more time on practicing the weaker subject and make proper notes, highlighting the important topics which need to be focused.
- Revision- Revision is the most important thing to do after covering the whole syllabus. If you do not revise what you have studied earlier then you will forget everything on the day of examination. It is important to revise each and every topic from the syllabus whether it is difficult or easy.
- Above all, you don’t need to be stressed. Keep calm and study smartly.
Hope you found it helpful
All the best