how many marks I score to get admission in this college in ews category
As you have not mentioned which college you are talking about it is very difficult to provide you exact details for that college but as your question has one of the tag as aiims i am answering on that basis.
It is hard to predict cut off marks as cut off marks vary each year based on
1. Difficulty of paper
2. No of student
3. No. Of seats
4. Reservation
In the past year there was no any cutoff released for ews but seeing the trends of previous year cut off of different categories
General - qualifying percentage- 50% cut off percentile- 98.1246
Sc/st- qualifying percentage- 40% cut off percentile- 90. 2036
Obc- qualifying percentage- 45% cut off percentile -
You can expect ews qualifying percentage - 50% cut off percentile- 96-97
Just clearing cut off does not guarantee a seat in aiims you have to be in merit list to get a list in aiims mbbs.
You can check college wise merit list cut off from here
Hope this will help you
Thank you