how much seats are there for BA Arabic
Hi Dear,
BA Arabic and Islamic History is a three year full-time Course offered by Farook College, Kozhikode. The course is affiliated with University of Calicut, Malappuram. The college has a total intake of 60 seats for the course. The fees for the same is Rs. 4,28,000. A student who has passed in HSE or in any other equivalent examination is eligible for the course. You can check out the course curriculum from the below link:
Also for more details on courses offered by Faarook College, viist the link provided below:
Hope this helps.. Good Luck
There are a total of 60 seats in Bachelor of arts (BA) (Arabic and Islamic History) in farook college, kozhikode, Kerela.
The total fees for first year is 2,280, the course is a three year graduation degree, the tuition fee per year is 1000 and other fee for first year is 1280, for second year and third year is 920.
Hope this helps, all the best.