How should I study Biology, Physics and Chemistry for NEET ? What are the most important topics? I am weak in Physics.
Here is the list for the important chapters with high waitage
For biology it's divided into two that is zoology and botany starting from zoology
Zoology - human reproduction , evolution, immunity, animal kingdom (only from NCERT)
Botany- plant kingdom, organisms and population, ecosystem, plant reproduction biological classification
This are some very imp chapters with high waitage of biology . Coming to physics and chemistry.
Chemistry- organic (very imp.) , Solutions , chemical bonding (again very very imp) electrochemistry , chemistry in daily life ,.NOTE - do not ignore inorganic chemistry it makes difference during the exam
Physics- laws of motion (v imp) { not many questions ask from this chapter but it's the basic for all the physics chapter don't ignore it} ,,,, optics , work energy and power, electrostatic , current energy
Hope uh are clear now all the best for ur exam
Below are the important topics for NEET-
Kinematics, Heat and Thermodynamics Kinematics, Oscillations and Waves, Electrostatics and Current Electricity , Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism, Modern Physics.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Chemical Kinetics , Equilibrium , Coordination Compounds, p-block elements, , Organic Chemistry, Aldehydes Ketones Carboxylic Acids, Alcohol Phenol Ether and Biomolecules.
The Living World, Biological Classification, Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Cell Biology, Reproduction.
Keys areas of focus in Physics:
1. Theoretical Questions related to Modern Physics are too easy and having very less calculations, therefore, students of biology must emphasize on that.
2. In Heat and thermodynamics majority of questions are of P-Y graph or principles of thermodynamics which are easy to solve
3. First solve direct formula based questions of any topic.
4. In case if any question is of lengthy calculation then first try to solve through approximation or as per options.
Most Scoring concepts for NEET
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.
Be thorough with NCERT (Physics, Chemistry and especially, Biology) books of 11and 12 standard, Solve previous year questions papers
Focus on important areas like -
Physics - Mechanics, Optics, Thermodynamics and Nuclear physics.
Chemistry - Mole concept, General organic chemistry, Periodic table, Chemical bonding, Coordination chemistry.
Biology- Ecology and environment, Genetics, Cell Biology, Morphology of plants and animals, Reproduction in plants and animals, Physiology of plants and animals, Basics of Biotechnology Try to solve as many mcqs for your practice and also solve complete mock test series.
To crack Physics you should consider below points -
Conceptual Clarity : Previous years' papers analysis suggest that areas like Mechanics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electrodynamics and Modern Physics are the most important areas from NEET perspective. You must focus on clearing the concepts related to these topics. Learning only the theoretical part is not going to help. Additionally, you must learn how to implement the concepts in solving the numerical problems and MCQs.
Refer Right Preparation Material: You must refer to NCERT books for understanding concepts and additionally,you must solve all the numerical problems from NCERT since a lot of questions are picked from NCERT book in NEET exam.
Practice : You must practice a wide variety of numerical problems based on the different concepts in order to attain firm grip in various topics. You must additionally follow 1-2 standard competition books for practicing MCQs. Dedicated Practice will help you learn how to implement the concepts in solving the questions. Exposure to a variety of questions will help you answer accurately and speedily.
Take short notes : You must take short notes of important formulae, theorems and concepts. This will greatly boost up your revision during exam preparation
Solve Previous year question papers : One of the best way to prepare for Physics section is to solve and analyze previous year question papers of AIPMT.
Thorough Revision : You must revise and recall the concepts, formulas and theories on a regular basis which will help you remember the topic for a longer duration. A regular revision will greatly help to reduce burden during exam time.
Take online Mock Test series : You must attempt mock test series on a regular basis as this will help you analyze your preparation level at every stage and will help improvise on weaker areas.