How to calculate the total aggegate of marks obtained in graduation in all the semesters?
Hello Aspirant,
Hope you are doing great. You must first compile all of the semester's test scores in order to calculate the graduation average for all semesters. It's important to note the cumulative grades for each semester. For instance, if each semester had 1000 marks, there would be 6 semesters, or 6000 total. This represents the overall grade received across all semesters after adding the marks from each semester.
Hello Student,
To calculate the aggregate in graduation in all semesters, you first need to gather marks of all semesters. Also total marks for all semesters should be noted. For example if each semester was of 1000 marks then 6 semesters make up a total of 6000. (Total marks)
Now add up all semesters marks and this is the overall marks obtained during all semesters.
(Marks obtained)= Marks in Sem 1 + Sem 2 + Sem 3 + Sem 4 + Sem 5 + Sem 6...
Now divide the (marks obtained) by the (total marks) and multiply it by 100.
Here you get the aggregate ready !!
Hope this helps.
Have a good day!!
Hey Candidate ,
Take overall marks in all the semesters and divide it by overall marks of semesters
And there by you can see your total marks obtained in all semesters
moreover to calculate easily , just simply add total marks in all semesters and divide by TITAL semester.
Hope this helps you for your calculation.
Give example how to calculate aggregate marks for six semester
Total percentage of all sem and plus it and devided by sem
For calculating the total aggregate marks, you just need to do :
Total Agg Marks = Total Mrks SEM1 + 2 +3 +4+5+6
6 ( FOR 3 YR Course/8 if 4yr course)
Total Agg % = (total agg marks / total max marks) *100
For conversion of cgpa to %, you need to go to college and know about conversion formula because each University follow different conversion formula and factor.
Hope it clears your doubts.
All the best for your future endeavours !!
Take total of all marks ontained in all semesters and divide it by overall total marks of semesters to arrive at aggregate percentage.
To arrive at aggregate marks simply in each semester simply add total marks in all semesters and divided by tital semester.

How much we have add 35 or Mark's obtained in that subject