How to get 120 in mht cet what should I follow
The first thing which you should know is that the complete information regarding this particular exam ie, MHTCET so that you will know all the rules and regulations of the exam. Now as you are targeting for 120 marks which is a good score no doubt, so for that you have to study consistently and you have target few topics from all the subjects with higher wattage in exam so that than you can try to get maximum marks from that particular topic. Now the other thing is that you should try to finish complete paper within time because it is quite important as the MHTCET exam doesn’t have any kind of negative marking which is a great advantage. In last i would just say you that be calm when exam is near and don’t try to learn something new at that particular moment only try to revise the topics which you have already done so that it will give you a positive power while attempting the exam. Hope so you found it helpful.
Thank you..