How to lock seat in wbjee consuling if I got desired college?
You can fill the form online. The dates for online form filling with the choice will be revealed soon. After that, automatic seat locking also takes place. You have to wait for the form in order to confirm your seat, but if it has been alloted to you during counselling, another person cannot take it as long as you confirm your seat during the time period required.
a.) Candidates must report at the counseling venue on the specific date before the reporting timeslot stipulated for her/him. Candidates reporting late will not be considered under any circumstances.
b.) Candidates need to carry with them the documents and their self-attested copies as listed above.
c.) Candidates have to also carry Rs. 6000/- in cash to immediately pay the admission fee if selected.
d..) Candidates will be called for counseling in a sequence of their GMR.
e.) On successful verification of documents, the candidate will be allotted a seat according to his/her order of choice/ preference and availability of the seat at that instant.
f.) Once a seat is allotted, the candidate has to pay immediately Rs. 6000/- as provisional admission fee. If the candidate fails to pay within a reasonable time, his/her provisional admission will be canceled. The candidate has to pay the provisional admission fee even if he/she has already taken admission in another branch in the same institute.
g.) If the candidate has already taken admission in any of the eight Govt. Engineering colleges, the earlier admission will be immediately canceled and the seat, thus falling vacant, will be offered to next candidates.
h.) The vacant seat matrix is hence dynamic. Decentralized counseling will start with the initial vacancy list. But as the process continues, old vacancies are to fill up and new vacancies may come up. A candidate will be offered seats on the basis of vacancies available to her/him at that instant.
i.) SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PWD candidates will be allowed the lower limit of qualifying academic criteria as described in the Information Bulletin of WBJEE-2017. But there is no reservation of seats in decentralized counselling. All candidates will be called in accordance with their General Merit Rank.
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