How to prepare for bitsat?
Just want to add few more points with the remaining answers given by our peers..
* more practicing will gives enough time to solve questions in exam
* online bitsat is the best book
* The part where you can score well is maths and chemistry(only if you know formulae)
Comment here, if you are not done with the question.
All the best.
All the best.
bitsat exam is online test , so you should aware about time. The test will have Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency and Logical reasoning, and Mathematics/Biology parts and is of 3 hours duration.
you prepare well 11th and 12th class theroy and shortcut formula. then start mock test online with in time. if practice will help you in exam hall.
BITSAT 5 Year's Question Papers with Solutions
Candidates can download BITSAT 5 year's question papers to boost their preparation.
In order to prepare for BITSAT d on’t waste time solving lengthier questions, but root for questions which are more concept based. You can take help of NCERT books in order to make your base strong. You must have all formulas and equationson your fingertips. Know that almost seventy percent of the question paper is formula based.
The most important out of all the BITSAT tips and tricks is and most efficient is time management. BITSAT is all about speed. Try to increase you speed to score good marks in your exam. Only those who are able to solve questions accurately and quickly are the ones who grab the baton.
You can divide your time for separate questions.
BITSAT is online test. So, solve online test series as much you can.
If you are well prepared for JEE main exam you can crack BITSAT easily.
All the Best for your exam!!