how to prepare for examination AIIMS
Hii.. Diya
Preparation strategy for AIIMS 2018 has been provided below. For more detailed information you can visit this website -
How to prepare for AIIMS MBBS 2018 in one month?
According to previous year toppers of AIIMS MBBS, a sound last month preparation strategy for AIIMS MBBS rests on three pillars -
- Creating a realistic timetable
- Having a subject-wise plan
- Practising mock tests
Study Hours: Prepare a realistic timetable for the last four weeks' preparations of AIIMS MBBS 2018 and follow it religiously. The amount of time devoted to studies in the last one month of AIIMS MBBS 2018 varies from person to person. Vanshika Arora, one of the toppers of AIIMS MBBS 2017, used to devote about 10-11 hours daily in the last month of AIIMS MBBS preparations, while Mridul Sharma (AIR 5, AIIMS MBBS 2016) used to devote 8 -10 hours daily in preparations over the last four weeks before the exam.
Division of Time: Divide the last one month of AIIMS MBBS 2018 preparations in focusing on weak areas, solving questions based on AIIMS MBBS exam pattern and practising mock tests. The time should be divided as per importance of chapters. Check the subject-wise important topics of AIIMS MBBS 2018 below.
How to prepare for AIIMS MBBS 2018 in 1 month: Subject-wise Plan
AIIMS MBBS exam pattern: All three major subjects viz. Physics, Chemistry and Biology carry equal weightage in AIIMS MBBS exam, with 60 questions asked from each subject. Apart form these main subjects, General Knowledge and Aptitude & Logical Thinking comprise the remaining 20 questions of the exam. This is in contrast with NEET, wherein Biology forms the major part of the question paper.
Tackling Reason-Assertion Questions: AIIMS MBBS exam is comprised of a significant portion of Reason-Assertion based questions. It is essential to have a firm command over the concepts to solve these questions. As expert Dr. Parmanand Aggarwal recommends, “To solve reason-assertion questions in AIIMS MBBS exam, first read the assertion and then the reason using the word ‘because’; OR first read the reason and then read the assertion using word ‘therefore’. This will help candidates gauge if the reason is being properly explained by the assertion or not.”
Overall Subject-wise plan: Vanshika suggests aspirants focus on their weak areas in the last month and work on those by solving questions as per the importance of topic from the exam perspective. To gain an idea of the important topics for AIIMS MBBS 2018, candidates can do a subject-wise analysis from previous year papers of AIIMS MBBS.
Subject-wise Important Tips: Physics is a number-centric subject. Solving questions regularly can help students get a grip on this subject matter. Chemistry can prove to be the most scoring subject amongst all. Practice previous year questions and revise chemical equations, theories and numericals thoroughly as part of your Chemistry preparation for AIIMS MBBS 2018. Biology, comprising Botany and Zoology, requires a lot of memorization. Take help of diagrams, flow chart and mind maps for making the ideal preparations for Biology in AIIMS MBBS 2018.
Study Material:
In the last one month of AIIMS MBBS 2018 preparation, candidates are advised to revise each of the science subjects from NCERT texts and previously studied modules. External reference books should only be referred in order to gain more conceptual clarity and to solve questions.
Important Topics - Physics: Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Rotational Mechanics, Modern PhysicsImportant Topics - Chemistry: Organic Chemistry is the most important, followed by Aldehydes, Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Ketone, Carboxylic Acid
Important Topics - Biology: Genetics, Systematics, Cells, Human Health & Diseases
How to prepare for AIIMS MBBS 2018 in 1 month: Mock Tests
Choosing the right source: Solving mocks and previous year AIIMS MBBS papers is equivocally advised by all experts and toppers for sound preparation. Vanshika suggests, “While solving mock tests for AIIMS MBBS preparation, first do basic NCERT questions, then solve previous year questions and then go onto higher level questions from other reference material.”
Solve during exam hours: Candidates are advised to get their bodies and brains in sync with the exam times of AIIMS MBBS 2018. To do so, candidates can solve full-length mock tests in the same timings (9.00 AM to 12.30 PM, and 3.00 PM to 6.30 PM) as that of the exam. Since AIIMS MBBS 2018 is a computer-based exam, candidates can join online test series for the practice.
Maintain speed and develop an exam day strategy: Practising mocks is the best way to develop speed and form an exam day strategy as to how much time should be devoted to each subject section of AIIMS MBBS exam and how negative marking can be minimised. Tamoghna (AIR 3, AIIMS MBBS 2017) says, “Speed is an important factor. Target to complete full paper within 2.5 hours and utilize the rest of the time for revision.”
Important factor in AIIMS MBBS last month preparation: Managing Stress
Besides covering the above mentioned three AIIMS MBBS 2018 last month preparation vertices, it is very important to manage stress and keep your calm during the last four weeks of preparation. Go for relaxing activities in between like running, listening to music, swimming, yoga, meditation, etc. to calm yourself and prepare better.
Good luck