how to prepare for iit jam for msc in iit?
Hello Aditi,
To prepare for IIT jam, you should be well aware of exam pattern and syllabus.
IIT JAM entrance exam is held in computer-based mode, in two sessions - Session 1 and Session 2. The JAM exam 2020 includes three sections - Section A, Section B, Section C. Total questions that will be asked are 60 for a total of 100 marks. Candidates may note that questions will be of multiple-choice and numerical answer type questions.
Since there are many topics, the candidates will be needed to make a table dividing the topics and subjects and allowing them a specific amount of time to go through.
Prepare notes - Preparing notes, both short and long, will help a lot in revising the topics at the end or whenever it is needed.
Keep exam pattern in mind - The candidates must learn in a smart way by dedicating most of their to the topics which carry more marks. The candidates are suggested to make a priority list, giving those topics the utmost priority which carries more marks than others.
Practicemakes a candidate perfect - Since practising is the most important preparation one can do for their JAM paper, the candidates must focus on practice each and every question available. The sample papers of JAM are available on the website which will help make the candidates acquainted with the actual exam paper and understand the JAM exam 2020 pattern as well.
for more information, you can refer to the link given below-
Good luck,
Hope it helps :)