How to read the organic chemistry? I'm struggling to memorize those reactions.
You can't memorise all of the organic reactions.You have to first start from understanding the nomenclature of organic compounds.After that you can read some names and reactions and make notes of it and practice it by writing it as much as you can.After it you can read conceptual problems and try to understand organic conversions based on name and reaction.You have to practice a lot from ncert.Solve all conversion questions.Now you can understand the mechanism of organic reactions mentioned in ncert books.At each level you may need help of a teacher.Take proper guidance.
For any query you can comment below.
Good luck.

In order to prepare for organic chemistry try to learn the basics first. So, that your concepts are clear and you build strong fundamentals.
If you are struggling in learning you can make diagrams and important notes which will help you to memorize and it will also help you at the time of revision.
It will be easy for you to memorize if you understad it first.
Make sure you analyze your preparation level time to time and try to learn from your mistakes don't repeat them.
Good luck!!